Nevada State Capitol Self Guided Tours

Whether you’ve got five minutes or two hours, the Nevada State Capitol and Battle Born Hall museum within are a great first stopping point when discovering the rich history and heritage around every corner in Nevada’s capital city.

Nevada State Capitol Hours & Location. First come, first serve walk-in tours are available on Saturdays, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.


Set against Carson City’s West Side Historic District and the Kit Carson Trail, plan ahead by reserving your spot on a Nevada Capitol Building Tour, or discover these historic grounds at your own leisure on self-guided tours from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

Guided tours require at least two weeks notice, and are subject to docent availability, clicks here to reserve a docent tour.
Battle Born Hall is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and Saturdays from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Closed Sundays.


Admission to Battle Born Hall, as well as self-guided and docent-led tours of the Nevada State Capitol are free.
For more information on planning your visit, get in touch with Visit Carson City at (775) 687-4810 ext. 237.

Like so many buildings across the Silver State, the Nevada State Capitol is an icon of our history. Completed in one year’s time from 1870-71, the structure is defined by its silver-colored dome and Alaskan marble features. A bronze statue of Sarah Winnemucca—a 19th-century Paiute educator and author from Nevada’s Great Basin who advocated for the rights of American Indians—is prominently displayed in the lobby, along with portraits of Nevada governors and other legendary Nevadans. Arrange yourself a spot on a guided tour of the building, then be sure and check out one of Carson City’s newest museums—found within the south wing of the Capitol—at Battle Born Hall.